errormsg.-8156= Peer's certificate is invalid. Please visit our help page.
error.-8179=SSL sertifikaadi viga
errormsg.-8179= Peer's certificate issuer is not recognized. Please visit our help page.
error.100=PIN ei ole ├╡ige
errormsg.100=Palun kontrolli oma PIN-i ja sisesta see uuesti paroolide s├╝nkroniseerimise jaoks.
error.71= Connection Interrupted
errormsg.71= We were unable to maintain a connection with the Xmarks server.
error.302= Found (resource moved)
errormsg.302= This error can occur in rare situations when using the wrong server type. To fix this, try going into the Xmarks Settings dialog and selecting the Advanced tab and switching from "Encrypt All" to "Password Only" in the Security pane.
errormsg.403=Paistab, et sul on k├╝psiste kasutamine keelatud. Selle parandamise kohta teabe saamiseks palun kl├╡psa "Rohkem teavet".
error.404=Ei leitud
errormsg.404= We were unable to contact the Xmarks server. Please visit our help page.
error.405=Meetod pole lubatud
error.407=Puhverserveri autentimise viga
errormsg.407= We were unable to contact the Xmarks server through your proxy. Please contact your network administrator.
errormsg.1013= Xmarks can't properly merge changes. Try going into Xmarks Settings to the Advanced tab and click on the "Upload" or "Download" button to fix the problem.
msg.syncFileMissing= The remote file seems to have disappeared.\nDo you want to make the current set of bookmarks the master set?
msg.invalidcredentials=Sinu kasutajanimi ja parool paistavad olevat vigased.\nPalun kontrolli neid.
msg.upgraderequired= The server no longer supports the version of Xmarks you have installed.\nDo you want to upgrade now?
msg.upgradeAvailable=Laiendusest Xmarks on saadaval uuem versioon.\nKas soovid kohe uuendada?
msg.emergencyupgrade= Due to technical difficulties, the version of Xmarks you have installed is no longer supported. Would you like to view information about resolving this problem?
msg.initialsync= This appears to be the first time synchronizing.\nA remote synchronization file already exists.\nDo you want to use the local or remote file as the master?
msg.syncShortFile= Xmarks has noticed that your current bookmark set is significantly smaller than the last synchronized set. Are you sure you want to synchronize?
msg.getrevisions= Received Revisions
msg.getrevision= Received Revision
msg.restore= Revision Restored
msg.pinverified=PIN kinnitatud.
msg.accountcreated=Konto loodud.
msg.uploadcompleted=Üleslaadimine lõpetatud.
msg.accountverified=Kinto kinnitatud.
msg.cancelled=S├╝nkroniseerimine katkestatud.
msg.synccompleted=S├╝nkroniseerimine l├╡petatud.
msg.nochanges=Muudatusi pole.
msg.busy=Xmarks on h├╡ivatud
msg.fileexists=Fail on olemas
msg.nosyncfile=S├╝nkroniseerimisfaili ei ole olemas
msg.remotefilecopied= Remote file Copied to Local
msg.neversynced=Mitte kunagi
msg.overwriteremote= Overwrite remote bookmarks with local set?
msg.overwritelocal= Overwrite local bookmarks with remote set?
msg.resetserver=Kas taastada serveri algseaded?
msg.erasesettings=HOIATUS: See kustutab kõik Xmarksi sätted. Seda pole võimalik tagasi võtta.\nKas oled kindel?
msg.verifyfailed=Sinu kontot ei saanud kinnitada. Palun kontrolli oma sätteid ja proovi uuesti.
msg.accountaccess= There was a problem accessing your account.\nError is %S
msg.invalidlogin=Vale kasutajanimi v├╡i parool.
msg.merge.bookmarks=Firefoxi järjehoidjad
msg.merge.passwords=Firefoxi salvestatud paroolid
msg.merge.alldata=Firefoxi järjehoidjad ja salvestatud paroolid
msg.upload2=Xmarks n├╝├╝d laadib su %S serverisse ├╝les.
msg.upload2.warning=Märkus: See KUSTUTAB sinu praegu serveris olevad %S.
msg.download2=Xmarks n├╝├╝d laadib sinu %S serverist alla.
msg.download2.warning=Märkus: See KUSTUTAB sinu praegu arvutis olevad %S.
msg.mergelocal= Xmarks will now merge your data, starting with your local data.
msg.mergeremote= Xmarks will now merge your data, starting with your server data.
msg.cancelsetup= You haven't completed setting up your account. Are you sure you want to exit?
msg.nowizard= Don't automatically start the wizard again
label.remote= Remote
label.merge=Liida kirjed
label.syncinitial=Xmarks sünkroniseerib sinu järjehoidjaid ja paroole.
passconflict.title= There are two different passwords set for: %S
passconflict.body= There is a conflict between the server version and your local version of the password for "%S". Which would you prefer to use?
passconflict.button.1=Kohalik versioon
passconflict.button.2=Serveri versioon
passworddisc.title= New password set detected
passworddisc.body= Xmarks has detected that you have uploaded a new set of passwords from another computer to the server. You can merge the server password with your local passwords (the safest choice), or you can download the server passwords, overwriting your local passwords. Which do you prefer?
disc.title= New sync file detected
disc.body= Xmarks has detected that you have uploaded a sync file from another computer to the server. You can merge the server bookmarks with your local bookmarks (the safest choice), or you can download the server bookmarks, overwriting your local bookmarks. Which do you prefer?
disc.merge=Liida alla
pwclobber.title=Xmarks: Paroole ei tuvastatud
pwclobber.body= Xmarks has detected that you cleared your passwords. What would you like to do? Sync and Web Discovery
icon.tooltip.ready=Xmarks on valmis.
icon.tooltip.dirty=Xmarksil on muudatusi, mida s├╝nkroniseerida.
icon.tooltip.working=Xmarks hetkel s├╝nkroniseerib.
icon.tooltip.working2=Xmarks hetkel t├╢├╢tab.
icon.tooltip.error= Xmarks has encountered an error.
prompt.usernamepassword=Palun sisesta jätkamiseks oma kasutajanimi ja parool.
prompt.rememberpassword=Jäta see parool meelde.
prompt.rememberpin=Jäta see PIN meelde. Please enter your private Xmarks PIN to continue.
prompt.badpin= The private Xmarks PIN appears to be invalid. Please try again.
msg.nosetupwizard= Xmarks is unable to connect to the network.\nYou can try again later by going to\n"Tools -> Xmarks -> Settings" and clicking on\n"Run Setup Wizard".\n\nDo you want to try again now?
msg.profilechanged= To change your profile, Xmarks must first sync and then download. Do you want to continue?
msg.profilemsg= You have selected the sync profile '%S' for this computer.
wizard.newpintitle=Uue PIN-i sisestamine
wizard.resetpintitle=PIN-i muutmine
wizard.changedmymind=Ei, ma muutsin meelt
wizard.resettitle=PIN-i muutmine
wizard.newtitle=PIN-i loomine
msg.resetpin.success=Sinu PIN on edukalt muudetud.
msg.resetpin.securitylevelchange= For your security, we have changed the Connection Security to Encrypt All (located in the Advanced Tab).
msg.deletepasswords.success=K├╡ik su paroolid on Xmarksi serveritest kustutatud.
msg.deletepasswords.confirm=Kas oled kindel, et tahad Xmarksi serveritest kustutada k├╡ik oma paroolid?
msg.passwordsyncpurged= You have removed passwords from our server on a different computer. Password Sync will be disabled. If you want to enable it in the future, go to the Xmarks Control Panel and click on the "Sync" tab.
password.tooshort=Liiga l├╝hike
dialog.status.none=Pole varem s├╝nkroniseeritud
dialog.status.never=S├╝nkroniseerimine ja varundamine keelatud
dialog.status.good=S├╝nkroniseerimine edukas
dialog.status.bad=Probleem s├╝nkroniseerimisel
dialog.status.dirty=Muudatused ootel
dialog.status.button=Rohkem teavet...
turbotags.title=Soovitatavad sildid:
turbotags.whatsthis=Mis see on?
similarsite.getsiteinfo=Hangi saidi teave
similarsite.getsiteinfocaps=HANGI SAIDI TEAVE
similarsite.nositeinfo=Vabandame, aga me ei tunne seda saiti.
similarsite.busy=Meie serverid on hõivatud. Palun proovi mõne minuti pärast uuesti.
similarsite.nosimsites=Sarnaseid saite ei leitud.
similarsite.onereview=1 ├╝levaade
similarsite.noreviews=Ülevaateid pole
similarsite.numreviews=%S ├╝levaadet
similarsite.openalltabs=Ava k├╡ik kaartidel
newuser.msg= Click here to set up Xmarks bookmark backup and sync.
err.revisionserror= Unable to communicate with the server.
err.norevisionsloaded= There are no revisions on the server.
restore.formatstring=%e. %m %y %H:%M
restore.confirm=Kas oled kindel, et soovid taastada vanema versiooni? See kirjutab üle sinu praegused järjehoidjad.
restore.success=Järjehoidjad on taastatud!
topicdata.default= Results for
reviews.notyetrated=(veel hindamata)
reviews.otherrating=(p├╡hineb |%1$S-l hinnangul|)
reviews.yourrating=(sinu hinnang)
reviews.bothrating= (your rating; see |%1$S others|)